Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Week of November 25-29, 2019

November 28, 2019

Sincere thanks to those families who donated some craft supplies for our dioramas.  We sure appreciate your support.  We have a student who did not bring a shoe box so if you have an extra one, please consider sending it to school.

November 25, 2019

November is speeding by quickly.  Last week's highlights:

  1. Creating and interpreting bar graphs in Math
  2. Extending patterns and stating a pattern rule
  3. Opinion Writing - which organization in Calgary is most in need of our support?
  4. Drawing self-portraits and drawing cartoon self-portraits
  5. Learning how adaptations allow animals to live in different habitats
  6. Social Studies:  Global Citizenship - The Convention on the Rights of the Child and which organization that helps people in the Calgary area would you support, and why.

Coming up this week:
1 . Patterns in Math - Stating a pattern rule and extending the pattern.
2.  Different ways to round numbers to estimate sums
3.  Social Studies - I Can Make a Difference and others who have
4.  Literacy - Similes, and what is a sentence?
5.  Science - animal adaptations; creating habitats through dioramas

Important:  We would like to start building our animal habitat dioramas on Thursday.  On Monday, students created a plan and a "shopping list" for their dioramas.  These plans went home with them on Monday.  We would appreciate your support in helping to gather supplies that are needed for this project.  The school has paint and paper, glue and tape.  Mrs. Mason has bought a few supplies such as pipe cleaners, pom-poms, some rocks and some modeling clay.  (There is certainly not enough modeling clay for the whole class as it is quite expensive.  If any parents can donate some plasticine or modeling clay, this would be greatly appreciated.)

It is getting colder!

Please remind your children to bring hats and gloves to school.  We went outside for a movement break yesterday afternoon, and several students were cold.  A couple of students were only wearing hoodies.  Upon asking, I was told by one student that the coat had been left at home.

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